Sunday, February 17, 2013


            When I think of reflection being used in a classroom environment, I think of the childhood game memory.  This memory game engaged you to use problem solving skills, cognitive and reflection skills to master the strategic placements of cards.  In the article “Where is reflection in the learning process?  I had an AHA moment a time or two.  This article helped me to understand that, I, myself, represent “a product of a standardized system where they (students) were asked to memorized standardized information and spit that information out on standardized tests.” (Gerstein, 2011).  This selection describes my learning process from K-12.  Then I realized that my most productive usage of reflective thinking skills occurred at the college level.  At this learning stage, I understood how to gather, sort and resort information to complete the reflection process.  However, in my opinion, this is a late stage for students to learn the reflection skill.  From the earlier assignments of branding, I believe students should start the learning process of reflection as early as first grade.  This will give students the opportunity to learn and explore one’s self identity and develop intellectual intelligence.  Children should be taught, “Thinking is a state of mind, guessing is not thinking, thinking is life.”  (Fisher, 2004).
            Another AHA moment for me came in the “CRAP” assignment.  Before enrolling in EDLD 5366, I had no idea what efforts went into the development of logos.  Alcantara statement, “The best way to go about tackling this project in my opinion is to pretend you’re an amnesiac.” (Alcantara, L. 2009).  Helped me to understand what was needed to accomplish my personal branding logo assignment.  I was very satisfied with my ending product.  This learning skill will help me to develop posters, brochures, bookmarkers and power point slides for co- workers to utilize in trainings and seminars.
            I will implement the use of web sites into my classroom in the form of weekly blog entries.  Each student will be required to reflect on the lessons for that particular week and make entries of the material they have learned and how they will use the skill in the future.  I foresee, PK-12 classrooms being a virtual learning environment in the future.


  Alcantara, L. (2009). The art of self-branding, Part 1 Retrieved from                                        

Fisher, Robert. (2004). Think Books:  Writing to Learn.  In Teaching Thinking. Retrieved from

Gerstein, J. (2011, August 16). Where is reflection in the learning process? Retrieved 02/22/ 2012, from User Generated Education: http://www.usergeneratededucation.wordpress