Sunday, March 24, 2013

Week 4 Reflection

This week readings and video were very interesting for me.  I became more knowledgeable on how to integrate technology into the classroom and more about professional development.  If there were not professional development for teachers then there would be no technology usage in classroom.  I believe they go hand in hand with each other in order to facilitate learning.  Once teachers begin to integrate the technology in classrooms, then it will be easier for teachers to differentiate the curriculum for the various student-learning styles in the classroom. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

UDL Lesson Plan

Converting Improper Fractions into Mixed Numbers

Week 3 Reflection

Week three started off little rocky for me however, towards the end of the week the lessons and readings came together.  This week was very productive and challenging for me and I learned an abundance of information about technology.  This was my first time to create an ebook. I found this activity interesting because I didn't know they existed. In the future I will utilize this an ebook in history or language arts classes.  The videos on UDL were also very helpful and informative.The assignments this week made me grow in education and technology.  After researching, planning and organizing, I realized that all of our lesson plans can be applied to accommodate the need of every students.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

EDLD 5364 Week 2 Reflection

This week was very productive for my team.  In the beginning of the week, every group member schedule did not allow us to have a collaboration meeting.  However, on Saturday morning we held a hour and a half to two hour meeting, that paved the foundation for project.  Everyone was assigned a task and color theme for doc were assigned, so we could distinguish who made comments.  Overall, my group rocks!!!

My reflection for this week's reading was very interesting.  I read about how technology influences student's self-esteem to learn and how Universal Design for Learning (UDL) are lesson plans that provide multiple means of representation of material. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

EDLD 5364 Week 1 Reflection

This week started off a little rocky for me.  I could not find a group to complete my group assignment portion of the course.  However, good things, come to those who wait. I was able to collaborate with my group members on the project and I'm looking forwards to learning what different teaching techniques each member utilizes in their learning environments. 

Throughout week one, I had the opportunity to learn and reflect on three learning theories through readings and videos.  Through video clips, John Abbott discussed the theory of constructivism, George Simiens explained connectivism theory and Kevin Warwick displayed his knowledge on cyborg learning.  After viewing  and reading this learning material, I realized, that I must make adjustments to my teaching techniques in order to engage students.