Monday, April 1, 2013

EDLD 5364 Course Reflection

In the beginning of the course, I knew technology played an essential role in today’s education.  My only problem was that I was not up to date on the new technologies used in today’s classroom.  I grew up in the era, when computers were used as a reward for good behavior.  However, through this course, I learned that I’m a constructivist, when it comes to being a teacher and learner.  I’m still set in the pattern of the old traditional style of learning and teaching and these old habits need to be broken.  I believe a number of factors hinder my teaching ability in the advancement of technology in the classroom.  My first obstacle with the course, consist of not being a classroom teacher.  I found myself lost on some of the assignments and doing research on the topics helped me to understand how to complete the tasks/assignments.  My other obstacle came in the form of not knowing and not understanding technology.  When it comes to learning technology, my mind goes blank and shut down on how to integrate the technology into my everyday life events.  For me using new technology is difficult and time consuming.  I rather hold on to the old information and disregard the new because it’s something new and unfamiliar.  However, “students come to school knowledgeable about the Web and its potentials, they are comfortable using it, and expect learning in school to be more like learning on their own” (Solomon and Schrum. p. 30).  This quote made me understand that I, as a teacher and person need to grasp on to today’s technology in order to advance in education.  It’s like the old saying of, you can sink or swim.
As a learner, I learned a vast amount of knowledge on incorporating technology in the classroom through the readings, videos, web conferences, group discussions and wiki and blogs.  I was able to understand how and what my peers thoughts were on different educational topics.  This was an advantage for me due to not being in a classroom.  I had no ideal were the disadvantages or the advantages of having technology present in the classrooms.  Through all of the different forums and media outlets, I learned that I must prepare myself to constantly be flexible with my teaching ideals and concepts.  Pitler stated, “make sense of, or construct new meaning for, new knowledge by interacting with others” (Pitler, 2007, p.139).  I will hold this quote as a golden rule, when I’m learning from other teachers and administrators.

As a lifetime learner, I learned that education is a forever evolving learning process.  In the beginning, we used dirt and stone as a way to educate ourselves, now we use computers and micro-chips for learning advancements.  Through my past interactions and collaboration with my colleagues, I learned that everyone has a different teaching strategy and that flexibility is a key factor in the success of education.  “If educators work together to plan their instruction and simultaneously plan ways to evaluate throughout the unit, they will develop a wide variety of interesting models” (Solomon and Schrum, 2007, p.170).  This quote made understand that peer to peer collaboration is beneficial for all students and teachers to reach life learning goals.

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K., (2007).  Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works. Alexandria, VA:  Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2007).  Web 2.0:  New Tools, New Schools.  Eugen, OR:  International Society for Technology in Education.

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